Playing on holiday.
About Nigel Clack
When I was young I was very active, doing judo, athletics, jumping on and off things, playing war in the woods, karate, gymnastics. Then as I started to work I moved a bit less and partied more, while I was in the Royal Navy and when I got an office job I moved even less and put on more weight. From school I was on the earliest personal computers, so have been looking at screens from the 80’s! Around 2012 I started to learn about nutrition via the Paleo diet, not perfect but a lot closer to human compatible food. I listened to many podcasts and a few years later heard one with Erwan Le Corre who was talking about Natural Movement for humans, I was hooked. I could see a way to regaining most of my childhood’s physical capabilities and more in some cases, including playing but overall a practical fitness to remain very capable for as long as possible!
Around the same time I also came across Dr Jack Kruse, who is a neurosurgeon and has a deep interest in quantum biology. Although his work is at a very low level i.e. electrons and wide i.e. space. I was still able to take away some practical tips to living an improved way of life. Quantum biology basically teaches us to live as close to nature as possible, which ties in with MovNat and a whole food approach perfectly.
Up until that point I had been sharing my understanding of the benefits of good nutrition to all who would listen, as I could see the difference a truly healthy old fashioned approach to food could make to peoples wellbeing. However I didn’t end up getting formally trained in nutrition, so over the next 8 years or so I played with MovNat, became a Personal Trainer, qualified in MovNat, qualified in applied neurology with Z-Health and qualified in the basics of quantum biology with the intention of using all the skills as a toolbox to help people move better, improve brain function and general health whatever their age for as long as possible.
I’m not looking to become an elite athlete just a well rounded (not round) healthy human, I’m still a work in progress and looking to slowly achieve a permanent state of well being as that’s how the brain works and of course share everything I know to help those who need it.
Quantum Biology
Quantum biology is the field of study that investigates processes in living organisms that cannot be accurately described by the classical laws of physics. This means that quantum theory has to be applied to understand those processes. Mostly involving the subatomic level.
With new technology in clinical measuring devices, science is proving why we should be living a natural a life as possible, we are able to understand how subatomic particles like electrons are essential to a well functioning person.
But you don’t have to learn to this depth to benefit from the quantum knowledge, I could suggest to you that eating carbs is less effective for energy production than eating fat. You can accept that, or see with some more knowledge that carbs have to do more work in the mitochondria than fat and they produce more inflammation, especially when eaten out of season.
On this website I will do my best to provide the high level practical information and the low level detail if you are interested, often backed by scientific studies, articles or books.
Natural Movement
Natural real-life movement & fitness including running, jumping, climbing, balancing, crawling, lifting, carrying, throwing, playing and much more for all ages and abilities.
MovNat therefore helps create a foundation of fitness, mobility and capability providing either the groundwork for future interests or sports or even as a practice to maintain the new abilities for as long as required.
MovNat is now also being used in many forms of rehabilitation, be it from an injury or sedentarism.
My goal is not to help people become fit for the sake of it, but to use the capabilities humans have had for hundreds of thousands of years in todays world. This could now include the following:
Play with kids or grand kids or other adults!, Injury recovery, Carry groceries, walking up stairs, preventing falls, DIY, gardening, Help in an emergency
Help others with any of the above.
What is MovNat
Applied Neurology
By applying the latest neuroscience to people in their everyday lives, it’s possible to improve the function of the Central Nervous System and brain. This then reduces the threat the brain is under, which is often causing pain or dysfunction.
Can I see?
The most influential sensory system in our brain. If you cannot move your eyes well, focus, converge or diverge them, then your brain cannot correctly perceive the external world.
Am I stable?
Vestibular system - responsible for posture, blood pressure, vision while moving, orientation due to gravity, direction and speed of movement and more. If your inner ear isn’t working correctly it can cause your brain to feel threatened and make you feel anxious and many other conditions.
Where am I?
Proprioception - If your brain isn’t getting appropriate signals from your joints, skin, muscles etc it won’t know where your are in space and will see that as a threat.
All three systems are very integrated and if any one or more has an issue it causes a mismatch in the brain (think of motion sickness)
Any problems like this and the brain sees it as a threat, causing the brain to output incorrect signals which can then affect your ability to move properly.
How do we do it.
By undertaking some tests, for example visual, balance and range of motion we can establish if there are any areas that can be improved. Then we establish a baseline of the current state of your nervous system, try some small exercises which may help and re test. Once we have a number of successful exercises you take those home and work on them. You can then retrain the brain to make positive changes permanent.