Man Made Blue Light
The spectrum of daylight varies throughout the day, whereas artificial lights stay the same all day and modern lights like the fluorescent and LED’s are high in the blue part of the spectrum. The reason blue is so dominant in todays lighting was originally to make people more alert in the workplace and the yellow to red part of the spectrum generates heat (Infra Red) which takes more energy. So since fluorescent lights were invented problems have started to arise.
As we can see above, exposure to daylight controls a lot of our biology as we have evolved to work with the sun’s changing frequencies, including UVA, UVB & Infra Red, these frequencies don’t exist in most modern lighting.
The most critical issue with blue light is ALAN (Artificial Light At Night), including phones, tablets, computers, TV’s and LED lighting. This really disrupts your sleep and any good stuff you have done during the daytime.
Too much blue light and your body clock thinks it is lunch time.