Quantum Lifestyle Principles
Here are the overarching principles that I will go into detail on over time in this blog. Please bear in mind these are ultimate goals and it takes time to slowly transition from wherever you are now.
Feel free to contact me with any questions in the mean time.
Heal\regenerate (apoptosis\autophagy\mitosis)
Burn fat
Reduce inflammation
Memory consolidation
7-8 hours
Very dark room
Cool room
No blue lights 2 hrs pre bed
No food 4-5 hours pre bed
Miminize exposure to EMFs
Earlier before midnight the better - 10PM ideal
Limit caffeine to the mornings
Sun Light
Maintains circadian rhythm
UV A controls hormones
Infra Red (42% of sunlight all day) has healing effects
Burn fat
Reduces inflammation
Produces melanin (Sun protection)
Helps blood flow (lowering blood pressure)
See sunrise
See UV A exposure. usually from 1-2 hours after sunrise
Avoid unnecessary exposure to EMFs (Electro Magnetic Fields)
Be outside as much as possible
Least amount of clothes as possible, but don’t burn.
No sunglasses or any eyewear if possible
Releases energy from stored electrons in fascia
Hydrates tissues, prevents stiffness
Maintain muscle and bone density
Improves mood
Improves digestion
Reduces inflammation
Reduces stress
Become adaptable
Small movement snacks throughout the day
Move more of you more often
Natural movement rather than restricted gym movement
Find opportunities in your day, like carrying your shopping rather than using a trolley.
Work up to lifting something heavy
Eat (Ideally local and seasonal)
In the winter, plenty of meat (erring on the red side but not too much processed) and oily fish. Less meat in summer.
Seasonal fruit and veg from your country
Minimal processed food and alcohol
Organic where possible
Keeps inflammation down due to less chemicals and toxins
Saturated fat increases cellular hydration
Proteins repair and build almost everything
Less chemicals -> less toxins -> less body fat -> less fatigue
Out of season or out of country foods, create inflammation over time.
Big, mainly fat and protein breakfast also sets up circadian rhythms.
Adapt to the seasons
Winter Why
Improve circadian rhythms
Increase resilience to the cold and everyday life
Burn more fat
Improve energy
Blue light represents midday, devices confuse our body clock as they use blue lights in the screens.
Blue light therefore destroys melatonin reducing the chance of good sleep and the regeneration process.
Winter How
See sunrise and\or when UVA appears (depends on time of year)
Sleep more
Eat during daylight hours only
Don't create a perpetual summer in your home and car
Cold showers\bath\face dunks\exercise in minimal clothes outside
Eat more fat less carbs
Change lighting colour at night to orange and or red, especially 2 hrs before bed
Wear blue light blocking glasses or use filters (physical or software) if you have to look at devices at night.
Summer Why
Improve circadian rhythms\sets your body clock
Increase resilience to sun therefore more Vit D can be obtained for winter.
Increase energy
Increase ways to obtain electrons, decreases inflammation and another form of energy
Summer How
See sunrise and\or when UVA appears (depends on time of year)
Go outside or have open windows as often as possible
Outside wearing minimal clothing and no sunglasses, but don’t burn.
Standing on the grass and earth increases electrons in the body.